tisdag 29 juli 2008

Delete, erase you

Jag begraver mina fjärilar
Jag skulle kunna
stänga av mobilen
ta bort ditt nummer
blocka dig
ta bort min bdb
försvinna från ditt liv
döda mina fjärilar
Innerst inne vill jag glömma, men hur lång tid skulle det ta?
Om ödet finns borde planen vara bättre. För den här känslan kommer ta mitt liv
Det är inte detsamma som det var då
Men kommer det någonsin bli bra igen?. Finns den perfekta drömmen?
Är det värt tårarna, hålen, smärtan? Borde jag glömma dig, gå vidare, ge upp.
Kan jag glömma dig? Eller kommer det bara förlänga min smärta.
Det vore så enkelt att bara kasta dig ur mitt liv, låtsas att allt är som innan.
Är spåren för djupa? Är du någon jag aldrig kommer sluta tänka på.
Borde jag vänta och se, vänta på antingen smärtan eller glädjen. Ska jag sluta vara feg eller börja gömma mig.

Jag vill försvinna, jag vill vara så långt bort från dig som möjligt.
Jag vill ha dig hos mig, jag vill känna varje sekund.
Inget av det går...
Hur gör man?

lördag 26 juli 2008

Missing you

I did not know you could give me so much and then make the hole even bigger.
I did not know anyone could make the pain even bigger.
I knew you were special the first time I met you.
I knew things would never be the same again
Tell me this is´nt just a summer-time-thing
Tell me this is love, and tell me you love me too
Don´t tell me you love me, cuse that will make me afraid
Don´t tell me you hate me cuse that will make me die
If you killed someone
I would hide the body for you

Att Sakna
Har Saknat

fredag 25 juli 2008

Tänk att du tar en osthyvel och skalar av skinnet...

Lifes isn´t easier without you. But sometimes it feels good to know you´re not the onbly one who´s missing...
I wish you were here. no one understands me, no one can read my unspoken words. I wish I could tell everybody how much I miss you but I can´t. At least I have one person, and I´m really happy because of that. You´re a true friend.
Well, I should go now. I should try not to think about you.
Fuck this crying, fuck this missing. I´ll give my heart to time, cus time heals everything (8)Holding my last breath

onsdag 23 juli 2008

Save me from myself

New found glory
I´m finding out that maybe I was wrong
That I´ve fallen down and I can´t do this alone
Stay with me, this is what I need, please?


I´m nothing now, and it´s been so long
since I´ve heard the sound, the sound of my only hope
This Time I will be listening
I will listen to every breath you take

It feels like this heart beats for only you


För att jag inte kände samma som du
Förlåt att jag tog dig för given
Förlåt för att jag sårade dig.
Jag vet att du kände något starkt, något som itne jag kände. Jag tycker om dig som en vän, du är så sjukt snäll och omtänksam. Jag önskar att vi kunde fortsätta vara vänner. För jag gillar dig, även om du inte hittade äggen.


onsdag 16 juli 2008

This one is for you

It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide

I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done

I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue

Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

Elton John - Your Song.. eller delar av den x)

I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

fredag 11 juli 2008

If I fell

If I fell inlove with you
would you fall too?

You said you would never let me fall
But now I have
So what are you gonna do?

Will you watch me falling deeper
then laugh me in my face
will you be my beloved
for the rest of my days

Look me in my eyes
tell me you won´t let me go
silence can wait
Soon it´s too late

Take me to the place where you go
When youre feeling wonderful
Come on let me show
you that youré beautiful

Silence can wait
this is our fate
you know were meant to be

Silence can wait
Soon it´s too late
for me to be free ever again

This looks like a dream
but is more painful than air
that´s not there
when you need it the most

Trying to call
when you know you will fall
deeper again
when only silence remain

promises unspoken,
Words you´ll never say
promises broken
every lonely day

Losing my mind
reminding me of you
what can I do
Give me a sign
to not let you go
when I know I should

A simple word, a simple thing you did
you make me breathe again
It should be forbidden to touch a person this way
making every step away from you even harder
I´m troing to forgive, trying to forget
Will I ever get through?

Call me a jerk, call me an idiot. You can call me whatever you want, if you only speak to me. I love you more and more, falling deeper and deeper. Catch me and through me away. Shoot me, bring me down, breake me. I can´t stand life without you. Living isn´t the same without you next to me. Breathing isn´t the same without air. Looking isn´t the same without your face. Loving isn´t the same without someone to love.
My heart doesn´t enjoy beating without you. I think it misses your heart too.If youre going away from me, you can bring my sole as well. Cause It won´t survive without you.
I´m addicted to you, my heart can´t live without you.

torsdag 10 juli 2008

The beating of a broken heart

Just a funeral march for love today... /
I´ve never been better than I am today. / Dressed in black and were singing along./ To the beating of a broken heart (8)
//You can´t make a promise out of unspoken words.

If we were, things would be harder, more difficult. If we were I would cry more often. If we were, I would mis you even more.
If we were I would be one of the luckiest lovers alive.
Now we aren´t. I am miserable, I´m lonely, I´m crying. But I´m better off without you.It´s so much easier to forget.

onsdag 9 juli 2008

Let go, let go, let go

Btw jag tänker sluta tänka.. x)

Wake me up from the bad dream I am having. Cause you´ll be in my thoughts forever. I´ll take you with me wherever I go. Cause I´m afraid of losing you.

Were we meant to be? It was so hard to let go, and now everythings reminding me of you.
Were we meant to be? I loved your eyes when you were looking right through me. Did you see how much I loved you?
Were this really what you wanted? I know you felt the same. I can see right through you. Don´t let yourself destroy yourself.
Am I right? Were we right? Were we meant to be?
I´m so afraid right now. I wanted to see you again, I wanted to be close every fucking aching minuite. Now I can´t stand a simple word about you. I want you dead. I´m afraid I´ll fall inlove if I see you again. Because of who you where, and who you are. Because youre the most beautiful creature ever made by the hands of god.
WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME GOD? What is your plan? Why do you make me go insane? Why is everything reminding me of him, Why can´t I let go. Why does he have to be the most beautiful, wonderful, loveliest, cutest, nicest, perfect thing I´ve ever seen. Nothing compares to you. I know a million songs that must have been written to you.
OK, I admit,. In the beginning I didn´t want to let go. I didn´t even try. Cause I missed you too much. Bu now...I don´t want you anymore. I don´t need you. I´m trying to forget you.
So why are you still with me?
Why can´t you let me go? Why don´t you leave me alone, why don´t you stop reminding me of things that never were, and things we had. I know I can´t stop you from being beside me, but I don´t want you to try. I don´t want this, I´m tired of thinking about you. That´s the only thing I´ve been doing for the last 14 months. I don´t want to think at all, I Want you to go away from me. Stop reminding me. It will never be you and me again, just face it.Stop trying, stop dreaming, stop hurting me. I can´t stand you anymore. I´ll never forget you, but I´ll never forgive you either. I can´t live with or without you.I fucking miss you....

måndag 7 juli 2008

Jag önskar

Jag önskar att jag kunde ge
alla ord till dig
Men de får inte komma utförrän vädret blivit bättre
förrän solen kommit fram och regnet torkat bort,
kärleken är varm och tårarna har torkat
Jag önskar jag kunde ge
alla ord till dig
tro mig jag vill säga
allting som har hänt
Men jag är rädd för mig själv
och hur ska du kunna lita på mig?
Du tror att du känner mig, vet vem jag är
men jag vet inte ens det själv
för sen jag träffade personen med osynliga ögon har min skepnad förändrats
Ingen förändring som syns, bara för vänner.
För om du ska få veta måste du vara min vän.
Är du det?
Vill du lyssna på mig?
Vill du se mig klä av mig min bittra skyddsmantel
Vill du höra mig berätta om en förut förbjuden känsla
Kommer du att skrämt rygga tilbaka
eller kommer du förstå?


söndag 6 juli 2008

Det var en gång en gris...

Timmar känns som år, tiden går och lämnar sår.
In kommer tankar och ut kommer tårar.

Det vore enklare om du inte alls varit där, men hur skulle jag varit nu då?

Inga minnen eller bra minnen
Inga minnen eller svåra minnenInga minnen, inga tårar, ingen kärlek
ingen längtan, ingen lycka, ingen saknad

Tomhet och åter tomhet

Försöker stänga allting utomhus

Vargen blåser, frustar och Blåser.
"Jag skall för evigt blåsa tills takEt på ditt hus faller ihop. Sedan ska jag äta dig levande och tugga på ditt hjärta. Jag ska låta dig plågas tills du inte minns vad lycka är, jag ska vattna dina tårar och föda din ångest. Jag skalL skrika rakt in i dina tankar tills du inte längre orkar tänka sjäLv. Jag ska ta över dig men inte låta dig glömma. Jag ska skära dina känslor i tusen och tusEn bitar. Och när jag är klar kommer du vara ett tomt skal av ingenting."

Grisen svarar sorgset:

Jag går igenom detta varje gång hon ser på mig, varje gång hon inte säger de orden jag vill höra. Jag dör varje morgon jag vaknar utan hennes andetag mot min hals. Varje gång hon inte ler men också varje gång hon ler eftersom jag inte vet varför. Mina tankar har ingen fri vilja. Jag kan inte kontrollera anledningen till varför mitt hjärta slår. Jag är ensam varje dag hon inte är hos mig. Den enda anledningen till varför jag kämpar för mitt liv är hoppet om att kanske få minnas hennes ögon, hennes underbara röst och sättet hon pratar på. Allt jag ber om är en dröm som kan fylla mig med glädje. En ljuvlig död utan känslor vore den vackraste av drömfångare att hänga ovanför min säng.

I know I shouldn´t cry

Ambivalent (like always) <3 ?
I never thought I could cry like a child
I didn´t miss you until you went away
And that´s when I started to cry more than the sky itself
/Tears don´t fall they crash around me/
My cheek was wet and the tears hasn´t dried yet.
After crying, after trying not to go back, I became empty. Like a hole, so dark and cold. I feel nothing and that feels good.
Then I felt a stonehand around my heart. It´s painful to be here without you, cuse then I´m all alone. A hand around my heart and breathing is hard. I know I shouldn´t cry. I know I should be happy to know you, I know I should be happy that I´m able to see you at all. But when you´re not around I can´t help it. I´m too week I guess.
I´m falling to pieces and I don´t know why. I can´t even see the letters on the table cause I´m crying. I can´t stand this. Or well I have to. But I´m just so fucking insane. I miss you but I don´t know why. The music makes it even harder cuse every fucking word is about you. I want to be right beside you but I don´t know what to do when Im there. Is it love? ´
[Oh my god I hate you so much because what you did to me. Or am I wrong? Isn´t it right, isn´t it love? Why did you make me this cold and afraid of love?]
Anyway... Is it love when evertime you say that someone else is cute I feel like I want to hang myself? Is it love when (almost) everytime I see you I get like these tiny butterflies in my stomack? Is it love when my body is shaking everytime you´re lying next to me?
Is i love when I want to kiss you everytime you´re smiling at me? I´m just afraid it wil be wrong. I´m just afraid I will regret it. But who am I and who are you? why does it have to be so hard.
I´m not miserable, I just miss you

Dikten Du skrev

Sjungande smärta som brister i tårar
Blödande värld lämnar djupa spår
Vem stjäl längtan ifrån tanken
Frusna skymning bortom natten

Det finns ingen mening i att gråta
men jag gör det iallafall

torsdag 3 juli 2008


It´s just like it can´t touch me anymore, I feel nothing. Is it my savior or is it the end of every dream I´ve ever had.
I´m dead, I´m just an empty space called darkness. Talking, smiling and fucking dead. Can´t even think about how anything ever can make me happy again. //Stil I´m glad, I´m glad for the youth that I had. Yes indeed, that youth. Hell, fuck the youth, fuck the past. I just wanna stay invisible for the rest of my life. No smiling, no laughing inside. No life. I´m just an empty space not far away from the black surface.
But your words make me wanna fight, your voice make me wanna laugh, your eyes make me wanna smile.I just miss you so fucking much and I don´t even know why, or what I should do about it. I don´t want it to feel this way, and I know I can make it go away. But will I remember you then?
I am prepared to suffer if I can keep your memories inside of me.
That is all i can get

onsdag 2 juli 2008

I´m not miserable...

Not miserable, I just miss you
Children of bomdom - tie my rope (ifall ni inte fattar)
I think I found something out last night. Thinking of you made me smile, but when I remember where you are I started crying. On the bus, I started crying. In my room I started crying. In front of the computer I started crying. At the dinnertable I srtarted crying. Hell. //When everything´s reminding me of you, what can I do.// Hell, why do you have to be everywhere but here. Okay, don´t think I am miserable or something, cuse I´m not. No really. I´m not.
I just miss you, that´s all.
Varför ska det vara så svååååååååååårt. Gah snälla skjut mig. Eller nej inte än.. Men sen.. Gaaaah jag får krupp.
What´s the difference between love and friendship? (och nej jag är inte kär i Robban.... Tror jag xD) (och han också btw xD)